A ministry of

Psalm 104: 13-14

Gospel Sharing In The Digital Age

Reach people. Talk to them. ​Share the Gospel.

People are Googling for Jesus. What will they find?

Understanding the vision

It is possible to know exactly who is looking for spiritual answers and speak to them personally about the Lord and subsequently direct them to discipleship, to make disciples that multiply.

Evangelizing with the web

The use of the web allows reaching those who have a genuine interest in the search for Truth, seizing the time!

Our work

Social media concept.
Ultra Thick Sleek Arrow
Ultra Thick Sleek Arrow

We search people who are looking for spiritual answers

Cheerful Multiracial Friends Having Fun Eating Pizza in Pizzeria.
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Ultra Thick Sleek Arrow
Ultra Thick Sleek Arrow

We interact with them

Bible Study
Circled 3 C
Ultra Thick Sleek Arrow

We do bible studies

People Wearing White Shirts Getting Baptized in a Sea
Circled 4 C
Ultra Thick Sleek Arrow

We make disciples that make disciples

The project

We identify those seeking for God on the web, determine where and when, so that we contact them and connect them with disciple makers in their area.

The concept

We immerse ourselves in the target country’s culture and collaborate with nationals, to develop an effective communication from the right perspectives.

Smartphone Frame Vector
Instagram post ui

Knowing God

Brick factory
Vector Image

in a brick FACTORY...

after an explosion...

3d icon, social media illustration, social media icon vector
Heart Flat Icon
Buildable Instagram UI Outlined Chat Bubble Comment Icon
Instagram UI Outlined Plane Share Icon
Smartphone Frame Vector
Instagram post ui

Knowing God


Exterior of a very nice house

Knowing God


For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

Romans 1:20

a tablet and hands

click the video

Kingdom Mindset

Folded Newspaper

“At Digitaly, we are convinced that together with you, we can use the internet in the best possible way: delivering spiritual answers to those who are looking for them.”

"Everyone searches for information, communicates via email and social media, seeks entertainment, and makes online purchases while using online services. At Digitaly, we believe we can utilize the internet to provide spiritual answers to those seeking them, together with you."

Several benefits of using the internet to spread the Gospel

Hand Writing with Pencil
Blank Notebook Illustration

Global Reach: The web reaches a wide audience worldwide.

Interactivity: It allows direct interaction with people.

Accessibility: Provides constant access to contents.

Cost-Effective: Often more economical than traditional methods but We at Digitaly offer our professional services for free.

Analytics: Offers tools for monitoring and evaluation.

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Now is the time to harness the potential of the web.

An eternal impact!




8,000 to 16,000 PEOPLE

With your contribution, included all budget expenses, this is the number of people you could reach through our online campaigns, in other words, the number of social network accounts that our adds will reach.

A percentage from this amount of people will be interested and will click and interact with us and our team.


16,000 to 32,000 PEOPLE





83,000 to 166,000 PEOPLE







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Walking with Kingdom Mindset, Together!

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